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Channel Strategy

Channel strategy is your roadmap to connecting with your target audience. It's about picking the most effective channels to raise awareness, drive sales, and boost growth.

Businesses have more channels than ever to communicate with their audience. But which channels are right for your business, and which will be a time-consuming distraction? Most importantly, which will offer the best return investment?

This is where we can help. Our channel strategy services will help your business create a data-driven action plan to make the most out of the channels at your disposal.


How does the channel strategy process work?

Choosing the right channels to communicate with your prospects and customers is no easy feat—but we’re here to guide you through the process. Our approach relies on audience research, data-driven insights, and examining your brand’s positioning in close detail.

  1. Understand your target audience: We work with you to dive deep into your target audience's world. We conduct in-depth conversations that reveal their interests, wants, needs, online behaviours, media consumption and content preferences - both online and offline.
    These insights show how you can meet people where they are. In other words, at the right times, on their preferred channels.

  2. Deploy smartly: Trends are tempting to follow—but that doesn’t mean they’re always right for your business. Being everywhere all the time isn't feasible or effective.
    That’s why we curate a channel strategy based on your business’s specific capabilities, budget, and time. The result? An ideal blend of earned, paid, and owned channels to connect you with your audience.

  3. Ensure clear, cohesive communication: Channel strategy is more than just picking the right channels. It's about ensuring your content and tone of voice, while tailor-made for each channel, creates a unified brand story.
    The ultimate goal is for people to always know what to expect from your brand. We help you devise a clear, cross-channel communication plan that promotes a holistic narrative for your company.

  4. Monitor performance and fine-tune: We help you determine channel-specific KPIs and monitor them rigorously. Our ongoing analysis will reveal which efforts are working and which aren’t. If a strategy is underperforming, we will proactively work with you to determine shifts in strategy and establish a revised action plan.

Why should you invest in channel strategy?

Channel strategy paves the path to communicating effectively with your customers. It ensures your marketing communications are clear, coherent, and connected.

Work with Leap Forward to devise a robust channel strategy and build a thriving online presence.

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