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Innovation is the process of translating an idea or an invention into a product or service that either adds value or is something that customers are willing to pay for.

From governments and organisations to industries and businesses, our world is changing more rapidly than ever before. That makes staying ahead of the innovation curve even more critical. A successful innovation process must deliver three things: superior solutions, lower risks and costs of change, and employee buy-in.

At Leap Forward we believe that applying design thinking to the innovation process can make a huge difference. Our innovation programs don't just provide you with the necessary guidance and tools to discover the needs of consumers, they also show you the possibilities of technology, and help you get acquainted with the requirements for business success through design thinking. A strategy that uses design thinking lets you build products, services, and experiences that drive your organisation forward.


Some benefits

Consumer-centred: Through qualitative and quantitative research we help you discover the true needs and desires of your customers and stakeholders. You'll get a better view of where you should put all your innovation efforts and budget.

Culture: We help you transform your organisation or team from the inside so that together you're driving innovation. Discover how to stimulate an innovation culture in 5 steps.

Lower risks and costs: Our structured approach quickly (in)validates critical assumptions and makes sure good ideas don't end up in the bin.

Want to know more about innovation?