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Design & Build

Brand Identity

Branding your company or product is about giving it an identity. At Leap Forward, we believe in a customer-centred and co-creational approach to branding. We look at your company from all possible angles, both internally and externally, and assess what it is that defines your place in the market and your relationship with your customers.

A branding exercise involves organising workshops with people from different levels within the company. We challenge them in a unique series of exercises. The end goal is to come up with a series of brand values, which is a powerful summary of the brand’s personality. Following these workshops we test the values with potential clients or customers. Through surveys, user tests, and focus groups, we check how the brand values match the brand perception.

The tested brand values then form the foundation for the rest of the branding track. They help in co-creating mood boards and designing a new brand identity. At the end of the track, we combine everything in a powerful, well-documented brand book. We also define any storytelling opportunities in your new branding, an appropriate tone of voice for your communication, and other relevant elements that help define a brand.


Some benefits

Co-creation: By involving all parties, from CMO to customer, we make sure to create a brand identity everyone’s excited about.

Certainty: We remove any guesswork by thoroughly testing brand values through consumer surveys and questionnaires. In this way, you can be certain you’re positioning your company in the right way and have a clear understanding of how the world sees you.

Robust: Thanks to branding workshops, user tests, and co-creation sessions, we’re able to deliver a robust brand system that stands the test of time with deliverables that are easy to use for every single person in your organisation.

Let's tackle your branding together!

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