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2 minute read - by Jan Van Lysebettens

Helping Mobilexpense with their brand strategy and new website

Since it first launched back in 2000, Mobilexpense has been at the forefront of expense management innovation, processing well over €1 billion worth of transactions in that timeframe. But despite its considerable success, the company has always kept one eye on the future. That’s why it acquired some multinational SaaS hotshots in the last few years: adding Dutch company Declaree and Swedish eBuilder Travel in 2019, followed in early 2020 by Sweden-based Expense.

However, Mobilexpense realised that its traditional corporate branding no longer reflected its new capabilities—or resonated with its target market. They got in touch with Leap Forward to see if we could help them refresh their mothership brand, and that’s exactly what we did.


Our approach

We conducted a series of branding workshops with the Mobilexpense team to get to the heart of the brand’s values. These sessions were designed to make the team think about what the brand represents, how it portrays itself, and what its mission is.

By stepping into their customers’ shoes, and thinking about the problems that they were facing, we quickly realised one thing: Mobilexpense needed a more human touch.

Finance has traditionally been seen as a slightly dry field—meaning financial branding has typically been quite technical and solutions-focused. But Mobilexpense wanted to flip the script. After all, consumers don’t buy solutions for the sake of it—they buy solutions to solve specific problems that they’re personally facing.

So by putting their consumers’ problems first, and then explaining how their solution helps, Mobilexpense could better resonate with their target market. We also translated this new approach into an overarching brand strategy for their products Declaree and MXP.


How we brought their brand vision to life

Our branding workshops gave us three key areas of focus when it came to redesigning their website:

  1. More human-focused
  2. Outline the problem first, then the solution
  3. Bind everything together with a compelling narrative

We began by deciding upon a new visual direction, one that looked sleek, eye-catching, and modern. After all, Mobilexpense is an exciting FinTech—so we wanted them to look like one.

Our website design is powered by a flexible craft CMS setup that allows any member of the Mobilexpense marketing team to create customer pages with ease. We follow a modular design and development approach—this provides flexibility while also bringing everything together to provide a consistent experience throughout the website.


But visuals alone don’t make a great website.

We had to ensure that their new site, complete with its compelling narrative, was supported by search engine optimisation (SEO)—this meant conducting a series of rigorous keyword analysis sessions.

Thanks to our joint effort, the Mobilexpense team now has an exciting new brand that more fully reflects its values, services, and mission. We fully expect the company to go from strength to strength in the near future, and we can’t wait to follow its journey!

Check out the new Mobilexpense website here.

Don't take our word for it.

Leap Forward has tons of expertise in different digital domains, needed to build a new branding and website from start to finish. Their one-stop shop, flexible way of working and great aftercare resulted in a usable and converting Mobilexpense website!

Jochen Vanpoeyer

CMO at Mobilexpense


Creative Lead

Jan Van Lysebettens

Jan is an experienced senior designer and developer who’s really passionate about creating beautiful designs and turning them into fully functional digital experiences. He combines a strong sense for aesthetics with an analytical approach to turn a client’s vision into meaningful digital products.

Co-create your brand identity