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Postgraduate UX Architect

Want to know everything about designing an exceptional (digital) product, service, or customer experience? Then this postgraduate degree for professionals is perfect for you. In just 1 year, you'll master the complete UX process, from research to design.

Together with Artevelde Hogeschool and our partners In The Pocket and Duke & Grace, we created the Experience Architect postgraduate degree.

In this hands-on training, you'll learn how to be the glue that holds a group of stakeholders and a multidisciplinary team of developers, designers, marketeers and more together. In 5 modules, you'll get the tools and insights you need to be a successful experience architect.

Experience architects keep an overview on the different steps in the product or service creation process. From user research to ideation and prototyping, creating an MVP to going to market, they connect the dots and communicate to all relevant parties with ease.

Thanks to the flipped classroom approach, you'll master the theory in no time and create space for practical experience by working on your project and simply doing your dream job.

Apply for this program now and get started in September 2022

What will you learn?

  • Crafting a delightful customer experience requires research and analysis of the customer's core problems. This first module covers both quantitative and qualitative research so you can map out the different customer avatars and their journeys.

    In module 1, you'll learn:

    • About qualitative and quantitative user research
    • How to create personas, customer journeys and service blueprints
    • How you can define the project objectives and goals for user and business
    workshop persona
  • With your customer journey as a starting point, we look for specific touchpoints where we can improve the customer experience. You'll learn about techniques like co-creation and prototyping (on paper). In this way, we can test the customer journey with the end-user.

    In module 2, you'll learn:

    • How to brainstorm, ideation and tools for co-creation
    • To (paper) prototype
    • To do UX and usability testing
    postit duurzaam
  • In this 3rd module, we turn raw concepts into a first draft: your minimum viable product. To adapt our products and services. We figure out how we can apply different types of technologies to our products and services.

    In module 3, you'll learn:

    • How to use and new technologies
    • The basics of user interface design and prototyping
    • How to create user stories
    • How to set priorities and objectives
    usertest scenario
  • Just build it and they will come, right? Not really. To get your new product or service on the market you need a strong business case, a market introduction and a solid communication strategy. In this way, you can make sure your clients will find what you created.

    In module 4, you'll learn:

    • How you can create a go-to-market plan and (communication) strategy
    • The tools to create a strong business case for your product or service
    • How to measure and track metrics and analytics
    • To create a product backlog and roadmap
    lean canvas close up

What can you expect?

Every lesson is a mix of theory and practical exercises. You can use that knowledge for your case, which covers a specific topic you want to tackle in your own company or the one you work for. In this way, you can work on it on a day-to-day basis, just by doing your job.

We start with a design challenge and work our way through research, ideation, prototypes, and concepts straight into pitching the idea in front of a panel of judges active in the relevant fields.

At the end of each module, every group presents what they’ve learned so far by implementing the techniques in their case. In the final module, everything comes together in a design sprint. There’s a strong focus on team effort and co-creation.

Is this training for you?

You have a few years of work experience in a digital context. You work in an environment in which you can immediately apply the knowledge you get out of this training. That means you're in a position to help create (digital) media products, apps, websites or information campaigns. You want to specialise in the material and learn from the experts.

Our facilitators