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Stakeholder mapping

Stakeholder mapping is the process of identifying and visually representing all relevant stakeholders, their interests, and their relationship to a project or business decision. This allows you to manage your stakeholders’ expectations and influence on the project.

You can engage stakeholders more effectively by identifying who holds influence, who stands to be impacted, and what their interests are. This enables you to manage potential risks when delivering a project and effectively direct resources where needed.


How does the stakeholder mapping process work?

Creating a stakeholder map involves four key steps:

Step 1: Identification

Together, we start by listing out all potential stakeholders related to the project or decision-making process.

Step 2: Analysis
We then work to understand the interests, influence, and potential impact each stakeholder has. Stakeholder interviews are a great way to do this!

Step 3: Mapping

During the co-creation process, we visually organise the stakeholders on a grid or matrix according to their interests, influence or power.

Step 4: Prioritisation
Based on the mapping, we then categorise stakeholders into groups such as key players, those needing management, those to be informed, etc.

Why partner with Leap Forward for stakeholder mapping?

Here at Leap Forward, we’re experts in stakeholder mapping. This stems from our comprehensive, human-centric approach to design and innovation. And most importantly, from our commitment to listening to your organisation’s specific needs and tailoring our approach accordingly.

Our team leverages a unique blend of design thinking, strategy, and technology to create visual stakeholder maps that help organisations act with clarity. We invest the time to truly understand a project in question and its wider context. Then, we partner with those at the frontline to clearly communicate the project’s objectives and update stakeholders on any changes.

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