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Woningpas award
1 minute read - by Jan Van Lysebettens

Woningpas wins the Henry van de Velde Award for best Digital Product of 2019

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The Henry van de Velde Awards are the biggest design awards in Belgium. So we were thrilled to hear that we won their Digital Product Award with Woningpas and are in the running for a Public Gold Award too! Vote here.

Woningpas is a digital platform that contains all relevant information on every home in Flanders. Owners can find and manage useful data about inspections, certificates and, in a later stage, permits as well.

The project was launched by the Flemish government that chose LeapFORWARD as their design and innovation partner from the initial concept to the ultimate development of Woningpas.

Winning this award is an honour and means a lot to us.


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Buying, selling or managing a house or apartment always comes with a lot of paperwork. Up until now, all information was decentralised across a number of Flemish organizations. An all-in-one digital platform proved to be the best solution to make all relevant information centrally available for citizens.

A few of the challenges for this project were merging the many visions while creating Woningpas, making the platform accessible to civilians, and encouraging an ecological, longterm mindset.


Creative Lead

Jan Van Lysebettens

Jan is an experienced senior designer and developer who’s really passionate about creating beautiful designs and turning them into fully functional digital experiences. He combines a strong sense for aesthetics with an analytical approach to turn a client’s vision into meaningful digital products.

Discover what we did for Woningpas in detail